
The governance of the For Better Initiatives is carried out in alignment with the rules and stipulation set out in our trust deed.

Our principles

Initiatives need to be purposeful and sustainable.

Administration costs need to be kept to an absolute minimum.

Transparency is a must.


As a mechanism for our donors and the public to measure how well we are performing we produce an annual report that:

Contains a letter from the Chairman outlining the year that has been and our plans for the year ahead.

Analyses the initiatives carried out against our trust deed.

Outlines the costs and benefits of the initiatives we have carried out.

Provides financial statements which meet the standards set by the External Reporting Board*.

On top of our annual report we also produce a performance report which is filed with the Charities Services. Both our annual report and our performance report are available on the charities services website for viewing.

*The External Reporting Board is an independent Crown Entity responsible for the development and issuing of accounting and auditing & assurance standards in New Zealand.

Our Trust Deed

Under the governance of our trust deed we are able to establish initiatives that:

Provide scholarships and other financial assistance for Refugees and their sons and daughters to attend [and thrive in] schools, universities and other such educational and training services; and

Provide financial assistance for the promotion, encouragement and fostering of research in relation to Refugees in New Zealand and the dissemination of such research for public use and for the improvement of the public’s general knowledge of Refugees within New Zealand.

The For Better Initiative:

We are a New Zealand registered charity (CC53358) that is working hard to dismantle barriers to education.